File your 1099 Forms With Us!
Three things you need to know about 1099 forms
#1 Penalties. The IRS can assess up to $550 per form for not filing your contractor 1099 Forms.
#2 Denied Deductions. The IRS can deny your deduction for subcontractor expenses if you don’t have proof of the expense.
#3 1099 forms are due January 31st!
We’ve helped thousands of small business file their 1099’s.
Our process is simple. Download our 1099 Service Form, enter data, upload back to us. We will prepare your forms to give to your contractors and efile the government copy.
$225 which includes:
- Up To 5 1099 Forms
- Form 1096 IRS Transmittal
- Contractor Copies
- Your Company Copies
- Government E-File Of All Forms
If you have more than 5 1099 forms, add $4. per additional form.