We can help you register a DBA (“doing business as”), also known as a trade name, assumed name or fictitous name
The top three reasons why you may need to register a DBA in the State of Georgia are:
- A DBA allows a business to operate under a name other than its registered name
- A DBA allows you to use it for branding purposes
- There are no limits to the number of DBAs or assumed names you can use
Although there are many reasons and benefits to register a DBA in Georgia, keep in mind that a DBA is not a business structure and will not provide liability protection and will not give you any special tax benefits,” explains Daniel Ahart, chief tax officer at the tax preparation company Daniel Ahart Tax Service®
If you are “only” doing business as a DBA, any money your business makes passes through to your individual tax return and is taxed accordingly.
Filing for a DBA (Doing Business As)
- Get Prepared – Verify that the name you want is not already in use. Search State Records. You can do this by searching county trade name records from the Clerk of the Superior Court.
- Gather What You’ll Need – Desired trade name, Nature of the business, and more. For a complete list of items you’ll need, please visit georgia.gov
- File Your DBA – You will need to file your DBA with the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county where your business is located.
- Place a Public Notice – You must publish a copy of your trade name registration in your local newspaper at least once a week for two consecutive weeks.
How Much Does It Cost to Register a Trade Name in Georgia?
The fee to register a Trade Name varies by county, however, it typically ranges between $150-$200, plus publication costs. This is a one-time expense.
To make changes to your trade name, you need to fill out a new registration form with the appropriate amendments. At Daniel Ahart Tax Service, 👉 we can assist you with this process.
Understanding both the opportunities and tax responsibilities that come with starting a business
According to statistical data, the probability of young people choosing to start their own business is 188% higher today than it was in 1953, when the U.S. Small Business Administration was founded to assist and counsel small businesses to flourish in the land of opportunity.
Small business owners have a variety of tax responsibilities, nevertheless. The IRS knows that understanding and meeting tax obligations is vital to the success of all businesses, especially a new one. IRS.gov has the resources and information to help people through the process of starting a new business. Here are some tips by the IRS for new entrepreneurs.
Other responsibilities small business owners have are bookkeeping and online payroll.
Get The Help You Need When You Are Ready To File
Daniel Ahart Tax Service® prepares all tax returns, helps solve tax problems, and prepares back taxes. 22 Area Locations in Georgia.
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